Friday, 22 September 2023

A Profile on Charlie

As I mentioned in my previous post, my gap year was really rough.  I was very unsure what to do after my undergraduate.  All of Amin's talk about getting your life started really got to me.  This was part of his reason for thinking that he could never return to Canada: it would take too much time, and he wanted to get things moving for his life, like building a career and a family.  I had all but convinced myself that I needed in the next couple of years, to have a career myself.  In the end, I decided to accept the offer of an MA at University of Toronto only because I realised it was a no-lose scenario.  If I still wanted to go into an MA later where I could walk out onto the job market after two years, I could (I had been rejected from that program in my round of applications in my gap year.)  If I wanted to teach in the Cégep system after my MA, then I would be able to do so as well.  I could also go on to the PhD level if I really liked where I was.  All three paths were a good scenario, depending on what I wanted at the end of the MA year, and I would be applying from a stronger position with an extra degree under my belt no matter what I chose.  It was a no-lose scenario.

It is when I moved to Toronto that I met Charlie.  In fact, he made quite an impression when I visited for recruitment in the spring of my gap year.  I was so relieved at being shown around by a current student; it took away much of my anxiety of being in a new place and being quasi-interviewed about my academic interests and what my decision (yet unmade) would be.  When I first arrived for the MA proper, I tried to avoid running into Charlie: he was so high-energy that sometimes it would tire me to be around him.  I soon ended up speaking to him daily and seeing him frequently; we did live across the street from each other in residence.  He was the most intellectual person I had ever met, possibly even still, and I liked that very much about him.  I remember how Étienne told me that seemed an appropriate match for me when he met Charlie.  Our research interests were similar, so we had a lot to talk about.  I was still discovering what I should work on in graduate school, so Charlie was eager to mold me into a scholar in his area of study.  I still owe him a lot in terms of learning the vocation of what it is to be a scholar, and for getting me started.

It was clear very early on how he was interested in me.  I was still crying weekly over Amin, so I was not in the frame of mind to date.  I remember early in my degree going to a choral concert, a mashup of many different Broadway songs.  It came up recently in my facebook memories in fact; I heard for the first time the lyrics in the Broadway version of "Think of Me" from Phantom of the Opera, and I posted them: "Recall those days, look back on all those times, Whatever else you choose to do, There will never be a day, When I won't think of you!"  I really believed that at the time; I was still thinking of Amin daily and missing him dearly.  Charlie, however, cheerful as ever, kept coming back and trying, like a puppy who is just always happy, carefree, and ready to see if you will spend time with them.  I know I am glossing over a lot here, but I was pretty direct with him at one point about just wanting to be friends, something I quickly undid one month later when feelings appeared for me.

He had asked me to see a baroque music concert at which one of our mutual friends was performing.  It was a really nice evening, and I determined to tell him that I had started feeling differently about our relationship.  I felt like a first-class idiot, like I did with Amin.  Charlie had told me, in order to make me feel safer, that dating within the department was not a good idea.  So I told him that I understood that, but I had developed feelings for him, so now what?  I thought it took no one by surprise more than myself, because I had gone from thinking about Amin all the time, to not thinking about him anymore, and thinking about Charlie.  This upset me, as I had hoped to get over Amin in my own time, but sometimes you don't choose how these things happen.  Charlie, however, was completely stunned.  He hardly knew what to say.  He started babbling on about: was I really sure?  I could have my pick of anyone in Toronto; our department was big.  Was I really sure I wanted to date him?  His insecurities were talking, because he had never had his affections reciprocated before.  I was his first girlfriend.  I tried probably not aptly to explain that I was interested in him, not in anyone else.  We started dating from that moment, that perfect quiet moment sitting together in a chapel at his college.

Charlie's lack of confidence, however, was only the tip of the iceberg.  By the end of his first year of the PhD, he was burnt out, something not uncommon in our program.  He was worked up about passing one of the exams in our department, and spent most of the summer preparing for that.  It felt a bit like tug of war trying to get him to spend time with me too while he was studying.  After he got through the exam, I told him that it was a deal breaker for me for him to just disappear off the face of the earth like that agian.  I know I tried to get him into therapy at that point.  He did not feel that he needed it, however.  I should have taken my hint and left then, but I loved him deeply and wanted to keep trying.

By now, I was in the PhD program too, just a year behind him.  At the end of my second year, we moved in together.  He promised me that it would not be like those times I had stayed with him in residence during the summer.  He told me it would be better when there was room for two people, something I had no doubt of.  He told me he wanted to be more settled and less out till all hours of the morning at the pub.  He told me he wanted to be more responsible and keep his space.  I wanted to believe him.  There was only one way to find out if he was going to keep his word, I thought: move in with him and see how it is.  We fought about what we wanted in an apartment, and for a moment, I thought we would never agree.  We picked a great place in the end, and were both very happy with it.  I ignored all of the signs.

When we lived together, it was like pulling teeth to get him to contribute to the household.  He wanted to argue with me about how often something needed to be cleaned.  He did not believe me when I said that you could not spray chemical cleaners in a microwave.  Everything was a struggle.  I cooked and cleaned around him and could not get him to do things like pick up his books and socks which were everywhere.  He also told me that I was creating so much stress for him that I was slowing down his progress on his dissertation.  Finally, in a last ditch attempt, I got us into couples counseling.  The first thing he was told was that he needed a therapist to deal with things that came up in the couples sessions.  I had gotten him into therapy at last.  But none of this lasted.

I was in my fourth year of my PhD when I burned out.  I had been burned out before, but this was one of the most severe since I had first been diagnosed with CFS.  I had tried to maintain momentum after my qualifying exams, which came on the back of a year with a concussion and trying desperately to get through the exam which allowed me to take the qualifying exam, and therefore allowed me to stay in the program.  So many people fall off the cliff after qualifying exams in my department, and I was so determined not to be one of them.  I started running tutorials for the first time that fall, and tried to brush up on some Italian in preparation for a semester abraod in Rome.  When I got to Rome, I was so sick, I could not get out of bed.  I was nauseated all the time, and had all kinds of migraines.  I was just sleeping through the days.  I knew I was not ready for a four month intensive.  I crawled back home to Montreal to my parents' to rehabilitate.  I knew that if I were in Toronto with Charlie, I would not recover.  He was also very angry at me for not doing the program in Rome.  He was not supportive of my decision to return home.  It was incredibly hurtful.

I had my moment when I was at home recuperating when it died for me.  Charlie started reflecting on how poorly he was treated and how I would have to "win him back."  More than this, though, he told me that my behaviour towards him was abusive.  That was the moment.  This was the lose-lose scenario.  If I argued with him and told him that I was not in fact abusive, I would feed into the paradigm of the abuser who denies it.  If I accepted this assessment that I was abusive, then the relationship needed to end anyway because I was an abuser.  There was no coming back from this.  The irony is that, now I realised that I had to leave, I had to enact a safety plan.  Charlie had said to me on two occasions before that he "knew himself" and that he would want to be mean to me if I ever left him.  He said he would want to hurt me; I know this meant psychologically, not physically.  He told me he would want to steal my books, and that he would want to sabotage my career.  Because of this, my therapist recommended that I talk to the Campus Safety office, and I know that was the right move.  They helped me to develop a safety plan to extricate from the apartment.

I was about two months or so back in Toronto before my moving date.  In that time, I tried to enjoy my last moments with Charlie, whom I still loved dearly.  I just knew that this was not working, and that things were becoming more toxic by the day, and that I needed to leave.  I picked the time that was easiest for me, and I told Charlie I was leaving the day that I moved out.  He was devastated.  I had help packing up my things, and we left that same day.  My Dad drove me back home to Montreal and I was sure it was the absolutely wrong decision.  I felt so sick leaving my life with Charlie behind I was sure I was going to throw up.  My therapist told me that if it was a good idea to get back together with Charlie, it would still be a good idea in a couple of months.  This really helped me.  It was so hard for me to leave Charlie and give up on our relationship.  But I needed to do it.

Over the summer and the next few months, all I wanted to do was fix things with Charlie.  We met at summer conferences, and at first he refused to speak to me, as he had any other time I had contacted him.  We were sharing a bathroom in adjoining rooms at the first conference, and he refused to speak to me the first few days.  I just wanted to be able to be on good terms with him, and yes, ultimately to fix things.  He was favourable, and then not, and then favourable again.  Despite being yelled at, being locked out of the apartment we both still held a lease on, being berated, having our conversation recorded in case he needed to sue me, and him refusing for a long time to return some of the things I left at the apartment, I still wanted nothing more than for things to work out.  I asked him before I left for Rome again to do the program I hadn't managed to the previous year if he wanted to talk about where we were at.  He said "no."  

It was 2020.  Without knowing it, I had ended up in the epicentre of Covid in Europe: Italy.  I was still messaging Charlie, and I think he got to hear how I was repatriated to Canada with help from UofT's service InternationalSOS.  After that, it was radio silence, as it still is now.  I see him sometimes at the library, or at department events, and he refuses to speak to me.  He passes by me quickly, or at worst, hops across the room when I try to speak to him.  I was incredibly hurt by this at first.  I used to cry about it, and just to shake from the stress.  Now I am at ease with it, because I do not want to fix things anymore.  It just took a very long time to get to that point.

This is the very condensed version, and again, it eclipses many things.  It does not adequately convey the good things that Charlie did for me, and that our relationship was like before things started going downhill.  I did not even get to talk here about Charlie's drinking habits, which were a serious source of contention for us.  I just wanted some of the essentials to be here: how the dynamic developed from something good into something harmful, and how hard it was for me to let go.  I was ashamed for a long time that I had ended up in a relationship that had turned abusive.  The fact of the matter is, it can happen to anyone.  It can develop, like it did for me, or it can be abusive from the start, just so insidious it takes a long time to see it.  The best thing you can do for yourself is not to be too hard on yourself for finding yourself in this situation.  The most important thing you can do is leave as soon as you are able.  I was not able to leave very quickly, to my detriment, but I did leave, and that is what matters.

Again, my hope is that these words will help someone else who is going through something similar.  This will not be the last post about Charlie, just the first: the essential outline to give readers context for further thoughts and feelings.

Thursday, 21 September 2023

A Profile on Amin

As a follow up on the “woes that lead to the present”, I decided it would be smart to give a summary of things so that I can write more on how I’m feeling now.  In order to for you to follow how I’m feeling now, you need a bit of context for when I start referring back to people and relationships.  The first person you know best, because I have quite a few posts on Amin in this blog already. 

Here, however, is how our story ended.

Over the Christmas holidays, Amin had gone to Tehran, the capital of Iran, to make inquiries about his compulsory military service.  He didn’t want to tell me anything about what had transpired until we were back together in person.  I don’t think it’s the first conversation we had, but I made him sit down with me in that first week for sure to break the suspense.  The news was not good: he had hoped to be exempt from service, but he found out that was not possible; the service was not for two years, but for three; and it was not in another year or so, but he needed to be back in Iran circa September of 2013, a mere eight months away.  I asked what this meant for us, and he said he didn’t know.

This was all very abstract for me while he was trying to figure out what to do.  I encouraged him to talk to a therapist to sort out what it was he wanted, because he was feeling so torn.  In the meantime, I was doing what I could to make him feel supported, and to try to move our relationship forward.  I was not trying to go leaps and bounds, but I was trying to avoid stagnation, which is where he was happy to place us.  We had a few wonderful moments, including a couple of purely magical dates I would have loved to recount every detail of especially when they were fresh in my mind.  Now I am in the time of summary, however, and not colours.

The final conclusion he came to was that it was too hard to have a long-distance relationship with me.  This is the thing he had asked me a few months prior, if I would be willing to do this.  I had been open at that point, and now my heart was so open and so willing.  He was not, though.  He was in the process of letting go of everything.  He was letting go of me, he was letting go of the place he wanted to live (Canada) and the career he wanted to have (working in the industry.)  He felt that Allah was pointing him towards living in Iran, and he was depressed because that is not what he wanted for himself.  He was depressed openly and giving up on all of his dreams.  He could not work as an engineer in industry without serving the Iranian government, so he knew he would have to teach instead.  He knew it would be hard to restart the immigration process in Canada after three years away; he no longer wanted to try.  It was too hard, he said.  It was not where Allah was leading him, he said.  “If only I’d gotten my permanent residency,” he would say, or, “If only I’d met you earlier”, as though this would change something.  So he showed signs of still fighting it, and wanting things to be different.  The one that really astonished me is how he took his French courses obligatory for Quebec immigration up until he left for Iran.  Why do that if you did not believe in coming back?  So many hours of his life wasted on that.

He did not want to give up his family.  How could I blame him?  He would never be able to set foot in Iran again if he skipped his military service to stay in Canada and stay with me.  I could never ask him to do that.  He explained to me that they would never be able to get a visa to get out and visit him.  The government knows how to use pressure tactics.  Could they not meet in Turkey? I wondered naively.  The Turkish government would likely turn him over as well.  There were so many things like this that my mind just spun through after he broke up with me, because he had done all of his deliberating in silence and without me.

My mind was reeling.  I wanted to do anything not to lose him.  At least, almost anything: when T told me I should marry him and that this could help his immigration status, I balked.  What if I wasn’t ready to marry him?  We had dated for four months.  How could this be my life?  How did I get stuck in a Nicholas Sparks film?  I proposed to him a couple of months after the breakup to go to Iran too for my gap year, and learn Farsi properly, understand his culture better, see where he comes from.  He refused.  I’m sure he was right, but at the time everything felt completely arbitrary.  I had freedom of movement unlike him, so why should I not take this important step to be closer to him before I began my graduate degree?

I lost my mind in that gap year.  I was also on a medication that was making me depressed as a side-effect, so it was a terrible combination of factors.  I had little hope for anything at all, including my own future.  I was sure I had lost my soul mate.  I had soul-level pain; that is the only way I know to describe it.  I had the feeling of the rug being pulled out from under me, and like my insides were completely gutted.

I still have to mostly pretend like this is not something that I experienced.  It was a film I saw, something I read.  It was not my life.  When I think about it more than just in a cursory way, I still cry.  In all this time, I couldn’t even bring myself to write it in my blog to give some kind of conclusion to this story I had been building.  Writing this tonight is very painful.

My only hope is that this will help someone out there trapped in a Nicholas Sparks film instead of their own life.  My only hope is that this will help me start turning the page for my own life.


Saturday, 2 September 2023

It's Been a Long Time

It’s been a long time since I have updated my blog and I am not better for it.  In the creative exhaustion that grad school brings, and in my stubbornness to write this story in chronological order, I have managed to put a stop to my writing.  The truth, however, is that I need to be hopeful more than ever, so I want to try again.

It was so important for me to let unfold Amin’s story, to show how well-suited and happy we were together, how much in love.  I find it so reductive after breakups to say one sentence or two about how it did not work out.  I think it has been the most reductive for Amin.  It erases everything we had and everything we were to say that he rightly chose to go back to Iran to do his military service and not lose his family forever.

I am undergoing a similar grieving process at the moment.  I was sure I had lost my soul mate in Amin and that I would never love anyone again.  Two breakups later, I at once know that this is not true, but also feel it more than ever.  It has been about five months since Jeremy broke up with me, and I have that same feeling of nothing making sense in my life anymore.  I fight the feeling every day that I lost the love of my life, and that is it for me.

Here is a timeline to help catch you up to the present:

2012 – I met Amin and we started dating

2013 – In March, Amin broke up with me

2014 – I began grad school in Toronto and met Charlie.  We started dating.

2019 – I broke up with Charlie

2020 – I met Jeremy, and we started dating

2023 – At the beginning of April, Jeremy broke up with me

I am trying anything I can to heal from losing Jeremy.  I know myself, and I know how I can stay attached for a very long time.  I’m not getting any younger; it has been ten years since I updated this blog properly, since Amin left.  I don’t want to stay trapped like I did after my breakups with Amin and Charlie.  If any of this feels like you, hopeful reader, I hope you will find comfort in my words.  Sometimes it will be messy or ugly, but I hope we will find our way through.

~ Elise